Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is often facilitated in the healing rooms of alternative health practitioners. Color therapy is classified as a vibrational healing modality. Vibrational medicineincorporates the use of chi energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and sound.

Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties. The sun alone is a wonderful healer! Just imagine what life would be like without sunshine. It has been proven that lack of sunlight contributes to depression for some people.

A therapist trained in color therapy applies light and color in the form of tools, visualization, or verbal suggestion to balance energy in the areas of our bodies that are lacking vibrance, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental.

Tools Used in Color Therapy
  • Gemstones
  • Candles / Lamps
  • Crystal Wands
  • Crystal and glass prisms
  • Colored fabrics
  • Color bath treatments
  • Colored eye lenses
  • Lasers
The practice of colour therapy

Followers of this alternative method of healing emphasize that colour therapy should only be performed by experts who know what colour or mixture of colours is required for the cure of an illness. There are no standard rules. Colours that work for one person need not necessarily be as effective for another person. In addition, it is believed that overexposure to certain colours can lead to side effects.

Colour therapy can be practiced in the following ways:

  • Coloured light bulbs and coloured glass windows can be used as part of the therapy.
  • Some therapists ask their clients to visualize colours under the effect of hypnosis.
  • Other experts make suggestions about the colour of the food a person should eat, the colour of his clothes and even the colour of his surroundings. 
  • Solarized water can be used as a healing tonic. In this method, purified water is filled in a clear container of the presribed colour and left out in the sun for a couple of hours. The sun's rays filter through the coloured glass container and energize the water with the vibration of the prescribed colour.
Light neurobics with "colours of light" (VIBGYOR)Colour is a form of vibrational energy that has played an important role in health and healing for thousands of years.The ancient Egyptians built halls of colour in their great temples at Thebes and other places, where they researched the influences of light and colour.

Each colour of the spectrum is associated with a range of wavelengths, which means that there are hundreds of subtle nuances of colour. Not all of these are visible to the human eye, since colours vibrating at similar rates look very much alike. Violet wavelengths are the shortest, ranging from around 380 to 450 nanometers (nm.). Red wavelengths are the longest, panning 630 to 760 nm.

Different colours affect the mind, body and spirit in different ways and most cultures associate colours with particular qualities, feelings, and so forth.

Colour is one of the nine basic 'cures' applied in Feng Shui, the Chinese art of divination and directing energy (qi) to create conditions that are conducive to health, happiness and good fortune. Some basic concepts about different colours are as follows:

  • White: White is technically not a colour, as it is the result of all the colours mingling together in equal proportions.In the west it is associated with purity, innocence and cleanliness.
  • Violet and Indigo: These colours are associated with spirituality, loyalty, divine and love. Leonardo da Vinci claimed that the power of meditation could be enhanced tenfold under the influence of violet rays passing through the stained glass windows of a quiet church. In muted hues this colour can be helpful for treating headaches, neuroses, and certain forms of schizophrenia and dementia.
  • Blue: Blue is associated with faith, caring, peace and fidelity. Cornflower and lavender blue in particular represent spiritualism, thoughtfulness, constancy and kindness.
  • Green: Green is universally considered to be the colour of growth, healing, selfless love and tranquillity. The green colour of plants promotes love and harmony to ease troubled minds. Green is associated with the heart and when we think green, it attracts whatever we need to feel nurtured and calm. Too much green can create a static condition because it alleviates all stress.
  • Yellow: Yellow represents patience, tolerance, contentment, happiness, wisdom and mental energy. It helps to expand horizons and brings fulfilment. In China, charms against evil spirits are written on yellow paper.
  • Orange: Orange represents purity, togetherness and feminine sensuality.
  • Pink: Pink is a warming, soothing , reassuring colour that represents love and romance. When you feel angry, think pink and the anger will evaporate.
  • Red: Red is a passionate and stirring colour which relates to will power, life and courage. It is a highly emotional and energizing colour. If you are over emotional or hyperactive, it is best not to surround yourself with this colour. In China, red is the symbol of virtue.

Science suggests association of colours for therapeutic purposes
Science suggests that there is a basis for these associations. Studies have shown that colour can influence mood, perception of temperature and time, and even the ability to concentrate. It is being used increasingly in hospitals, offices, mental health clinics and prisons to create a positive environment.

Red light has been found to speed up the circulation and raise blood pressure, while blue has a calming effect on these processes. The effect is the same even if the patient is blindfolded, which implies that colour does not have to be seen to exert its effects. Blind people can see different colours through their third eye, so it seems highly likely that we respond to different colour vibrations via the subtle anatomy, the subtle bodies, aura and chakras.


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