Vidya Retreat  is a concept beyond time and place. Providing a pleasing environment, integrated health and development to our valued customers are our commitment. We have a skilled and dedicated team with rich experience and a healing touch that leaves you feeling completely relaxed, revitalized and nurture spiritually.
The vision of Vidya Retreat has been developed in concert with the attributes of modern sedentary, unhealthy and highly stressed out lifestyle. The modern allopathy system treats the only ailment not the cause and the side effects of allopathy medicines give birth to another disease with time.
Natural/Spiritual therapies are the real science of life and longevity and epitomize the harmonic blending of the body, mind, and spirit of the individual with the cosmos. The alternative therapies have stood the test of time and proven itself a nature's panacea for all ailments of body and mind. 
Vidya Retreat is situated in Dharamkot. Set amidst a calm, peaceful and scenic surroundings, Vidya Retreat is one of the biggest service providers in India in the field of alternate therapies. 

The services which are provided by Vidya Retreat are courses and treatment via alternative therapies.
We offer a wide range of alternative therapies like- Naturopathy, Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Sujok therapy, Psychological Counselling, EFT, Yoga, Meditation, Reiki healing, Vastu, FengSui, Hypnotherapy, Bach Flower, Ayurveda, Tarot card reading, Past life regression, Dowsing, Colour therapy, Magnet therapy, Angel therapy, astral traveling, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry and many more.

Seeing the increasing popularity of alternative medicine, we have started a training center named ‘Vidya Academy’ with a wide range of online/correspondence/classroom training. 

Marma Chikitsa

Image result for Marma Chikitsa

What is Marma Therapy?

Marma therapy is an important part of Ayurveda that helps to maintain health by cleansing blocked energy.
The word Marma is of Sanskrit origin ‘Mrin Maranae’. The Sanskrit phrase, “mriyatae asmin iti marma” means ‘there is likelihood of death or serious damage to health when these points are inflicted. Hence, these areas are called marma. Marma in Sanskrit also means hidden or secret. By definition, a Marma point is a juncture on the body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints.

107 Points to Healing

Marma therapy utilizes 107 points or “doorways” into the body and consciousness. The mind is considered as the 108th marma.
Major marma points correspond to the seven chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the torso and limbs. These points range in size from one to six inches in diameter. The points were mapped out in detail centuries ago in the ‘ Sushruta Samhita ’, a classic Ayurvedic text.
The points cover both the front and back of the body, including
  • 22 on the lower extremities
  • 22 on the arms
  • 12 on the chest and stomach
  • 14 on the back, &
  • 37 on the head and neck

What Happens During Marma?

In Marma therapy, a very light stimulation of points on the body is done. It removes blockages from the marma points giving physical and psychological relaxation and strength. This is a powerful process and a therapy that works with these subtle and sensitive energy points to open the energy channels in the body are called srothas.
Marma points, when gently pressed on the skin can stimulate a chain of positive events.

Why is Marma Great for You?

Marma therapies are profound and work at many levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and can create dramatic shifts in the body.
  • Relief from chronic or acute pain, both locally and distally
  • Detoxification at all levels.
  • Significant improvement in bodily/organ functions, especially immunity, digestive, respiratory, neural & psychological
  • Healthier skin and a radiant appearance
  • Balances body temperature and can balance the doshas
  • Releases neuro-chemicals such as serotonin, melatonin for improved cognitive function and deeper sleep

A more creative you with higher energy levels:

Here’s a big secret to understanding marma:
Marma therapy can actually alter consciousness and change one’s awareness. Through working on the marma points, we can control:
  • prana (energy) levels
  • our sensory and motor organs, and eventually
  • the entire mind-body complex
This gives us easier access to higher realms of consciousness. From that place, a person can move forward with self-care, creativity and renewed energy.


Ayurveda, which literally means the science of life (Ayur = Life, Veda = Science), ayurveda is an ancient medical science which was developed in India thousands of years ago. Believed to have been passed on to humans from the Gods themselves, Ayurveda developed and evolved into what it is today from several ancient treatises, most notably Adharva Veda which dates back to five thousand years. The ancient Vedic literature by sages has clearly laid out instructions to maintain health as well as fighting illness through therapies, massages, herbal medicines, diet control and exercise.

Ayurveda - harmony of body, mind and soul 

Sprouted in the pristine land of India some 5000 years ago, Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity, is the oldest healthcare system in the world and it combines the profound thoughts of medicine and philosophy. Since then Ayurveda has stood for the wholesome physical, mental and spiritual growth of humanity around the world. Today, it's a unique, indispensable branch of medicine, a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humours - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance. 

Here are the top 10 health benefits of Ayurveda:

Reduces stress:

Meditation, yoga, herbal treatments, and breathing exercises are some of the many techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety. A medical research review conducted by St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Massachusetts found that over the corse of 35 trials, investigating the effects of yoga, 25 trials showed significant reduction in signs of stress and anxiety. Other research says that regular yoga practice can improve autonomic nervous functions by reducing sympathetic activity, which is our fight or flight response.

Weight Loss Or Maintenance:

While weight loss isn’t a main concern, Ayurvedic medicine promotes shedding excess weight by consuming a natural and healthy diet. A study conducted by NutriHealth System in New Delhi found that changing someone’s health diet helped clients lose weight effectively. Find out which dosha type you have to determine the best nutritional alterations for you by taking this quiz!

Hormonal Balance:

Ayurveda can help balance hormones naturally, resulting in a healthy menstrual cycle/pregnancy. In 2010, a study done by Institute of Indigenous Medicine at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka found that using essential oils can help with balancing hormones. Ayurveda prescribes natural formations and various therapeutic properties to help with all ill effects of hormonal imbalance.

Minimizes Inflammation:
Inflammation can be caused by inadequate sleep, poor diet, and deficient digestion. The Ayurvedic method of healing reduces inflammation to regulate the heart system and digestive tract by eliminating waste. Consuming a combination of herbal treatments, exercise that gently boosts metabolism, and antioxidants can help lower inflammation and increase energy.

Reduce Symptoms of Illness and Disease:

Eating an illness-specific diet, getting sun exposure, and breathing in and out can help the person eat better and treat symptoms of illness. Metals like iron are thought to have healing properties to keep diseases away and reduce the chances of getting sick. Some supplements claiming to be approved by Ayurveda may contain toxic metals, so proceed with caution before purchasing them, especially online!

Cleanses The Body:

Ayurvedic medicine promotes internal cleansing for improved health. “Panchakama” is the process of getting rid of food and toxins that interfere with efficient body function. Enemas, oils, and massage therapy help get the body working properly by moving toxins from the tissues to the intestines to remove them from the body.

Overall Balance:
The benefit of Ayurveda is that it focuses on individualized treatment and improve the entire body, internally and externally. When someone has emotional stress or health issues, physical activity, nutrition, and spiritual connection can recalibrate your body and promote balance.

Help Cure Insomnia
Having a late dinner, drinking caffeine before bedtime, watching tv, staring at the phone, or eating a spicy or heavy meal for dinner can disrupt your sleep and aggravate your nervous system. Ayurveda can help induce a restful sleep with simple tips like rubbing jasmine or coconut oil on the scalp or soles of feet, drinking a cup of warm almond milk or chamomile tea, or stating a positive affirmation can effectively help cure insomnia and inspire peaceful sleep.

Regulate Bloating:

Practicing Ayurveda can help manage bloating and poor digestion by expelling the buildup of waste. Spices, herbs, and roots like cumin, cardamom, fennel, and ginger can cure indigestion in the body. Chewing cumin and ginger before eating can promote digestion, and drinking cardamom and fennel in boiled water can calm the digestive system as well as relieve cramps.

Healthy and Glowing Skin:
Ayurveda has a ton of proven tricks to help keep your skin soft and radiant without spending money. Consuming veggies like cucumber, lettuce, and daikon radish are easier to digest because of their purifying properties and high-water content. Exercising keeps your joints and muscles toned and helps your body expel toxins through sweat. Nuts and seeds contain healthy fats and Omega-3’s, which have active components responsible for maintaining healthy skin and lowering inflammation in certain skin conditions.


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Naturopathy is a system of working towards the cure of diseases without using medicines.  It is an ancient and traditional science which integrates the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our natural constitution. Naturopathy has the capacity to prevent and in some cases also cure the disease. The main principles of Naturopathy are astounding. First, the reasons and remedies of all diseases are the same; ailments develop due to the presence of intoxicants which are removed. Second, the intoxicants cause diseases, not bacteria and viruses which simply feed off them. Third, nature itself is the best ‘doctor’, the patient is cured, not the ailment. All levels of the body are treated simultaneously and holistically. Finally, no medicines are used because Naturopathy is a superb medicine in itself. The principal aim of Naturopathy is to teach people the art of healthy living by changing their daily routine and habits—this not only cures the disease but makes our bodies strong and glowing. o, what are the techniques that are involved? There are four classifications: food, mud, water and massage therapies. In food therapy, the idea is to consume what we eat in its natural form as much as possible as it is by itself a medicine. This mainly includes fresh fruit, fresh leafy green vegetables, and sprouts; and there are different combinations of purifying, strengthening, or pacifying foods. These must be consumed in the correct proportion, and the stomach left a little empty. To extract intoxicants from the body, both mud baths and mud packs are used, particularly for ailments such as high blood pressure, tension headaches, anxiety, constipation, plus gastric and skin disorders. There are several main types of water therapy using clean fresh and cool water; and after this type of a treatment, the body feels refreshed and energized. The methods we use have efficacious results for a wide variety of ailments: a hip bath improves the efficiency of the liver, large intestine, stomach, and kidneys; a full steam bath opens the skin’s pores drawing out harmful intoxicants; a hot foot bath helps with asthma, knee pain, headache, sleeplessness, and menstrual irregularities; in addition, there is a full body water massage, a spine bath, hot and cold wraps, and enemas, all of these to get rid of the toxins we do not  want. Finally there is a massage therapy which increases the blood flow, removing stiffness, weariness, and pain from muscles and this can work in conjunction with some of the other naturopathic therapies. It is true that Naturopathy can be used to help cure and relieve many of today’s illnesses and diseases. It can also be used by anyone who wishes to simply enjoy the feeling of relaxing. This, no doubt, is therapeutic in itself. Naturopathy is always helpful for whatever be the reason.


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Tarot cards are one of many forms of divination. They are commonly used to measure potential outcomes and evaluate influences surrounding a person, an event, or both. The technical term for tarot reading is taromancy (divination through the use of tarot cards), which is a subsection of cartomancy (divination through cards in general).


Tarot readers commonly believe that the future is fluid and thus absolute predictions of future events are impossible.
Instead, they focus on possible outcomes as well as examining influences related to the issue at hand. These may be influences which the subject might not even be aware of before the reading.
Tarot reading thus arms the subject with additional information so that they may make more informed choices. It is another avenue of research, so to speak, and should not be seen as coming with any guarantee of ultimate outcomes.


A spread is the arrangement of cards dealt in a reading. Each position in a spread is associated with a different aspect of the question posed. The two most common are probably the Three Fates and the Celtic Cross, but there are many others.
The Three Fates consists of three cards. The first represents the past, the second represents the present, and the third represents the future.
The Celtic Cross consists of ten cards representing a variety of things including any past and future influences, personal hopes, and conflicting influences.


Standard tarot decks have two types of cards: Major and Minor Arcana.
The Minor Arcana are similar to a deck of regular playing cards. They are divided into four suits, with each suit having one card for 1 through 10. It also includes face cards referred to as the page, knight, queen, and king.
The Major Arcana are stand-alone cards with their own unique meanings. These include cards like the Devil, Strength, Temperance, the Hanged Man, the Fool, and Death.


Different readers have different ideas of from where their talent comes. For many psychics and magical practitioners, the power is inherent within the reader to tap into universal understandings. The cards are simply a medium to help trigger that personal talent. Others may speak of tapping into a "universal mind" or "universal consciousness." Still others credit the influence of gods or other supernatural beings to place the cards in a meaningful order.
Some readers refrain from explanations altogether, acknowledging that they do not understand the specifics of how it works yet recognizing that it does, in fact, work. Such a mindset might be comparable to all of us who use cars on a regular basis even though most of us have very little idea of how a car actually works.


Few readers would suggest that anyone could just pick up a deck of tarot cards and produce a meaningful reading. Often, the cards are viewed as having no power at all and are simply a helpful visual cue to aid the reader.
Others believe there is some power in the cards that accentuates the reader's own talents, which is why they'll only work from their own decks.