Aura Therapy

Aura therapy is a healing technique based on reading a person's aura, or vital energy field, and then treating diseases revealed by the aura color or colors. Aura therapy is generally considered a subtype of biofield therapy, which is a form of energy therapy that utilizes energies thought to reside in or emanate from the human body (as distinct from electromagnetic energy therapies). There are several variations of treatment, but in general aura therapy emphasizes manipulating the aura energy back into a positive balance.
Types of aura therapySince the early 1970s, several different forms of aura therapy have emerged within the alternative medicine field. Some brief descriptions follow.

Aura color therapy

Aura color therapy is more closely related to light therapy than to such other forms of aura therapy as therapeutic touch . In aura color therapy, the proportions of the colors in a person's aura as well as their clarity or intensity are analyzed and treated. Aura color therapists maintain that the aura of a healthy person will have an undistorted oval shape around the body, with clear lines of light energy and a perfect balance of the seven colors of the rainbow. Muddy colors, bulges or swirls in the energy lines, or an absence of any of the major colors signal energy imbalances. For example, a depressed person will have large amounts of blue and green in the aura with no orange or yellow. A chronically angry person will have too much red and little or no blue.

Color therapy treatment consists of adding extra colors to a dull or depleted aura or using complementary colors to correct a color imbalance in the aura. For example, orange, which is the complementary color of blue, would be used to treat the aura of a depressed person. Several different techniques may be used to add or balance the colors, the most common being the use of colored lights to irradiate the client's body, or the placement of colored gemstones on the client's body while he or she lies on the floor or on a massage table. In another variation of aura color therapy, the client is advised to wear clothing in colors intended to balance or correct the aura.

Therapeutic touch (TT)Therapeutic touch, or TT, is a form of energy therapy that was developed in the United States in 1972 by Dora Kunz, a psychic healer, and Dolores Krieger, a professor of nursing at New York University. In TT, the practitioner alters the patient's energy field through a transfer of energy from his or her hands to the patient. When illness occurs, it creates a disturbance or blockage in the aura or vital energy field. The TT practitioner uses her/his hands to discern the blockage or disturbance. Although the technique is called "therapeutic touch," there is generally no touching of the client's physical body, only his or her energetic body or biofield. TT is usually performed on fully clothed patients who are either lying down on a flat surface or sitting up in a chair.

A therapeutic touch session consists of five steps or phases. The first step is a period of meditation on the practitioner's part, to become spiritually centered and energized for the task of healing. The second step is assessment or discernment of the energy imbalances in the patient's aura. In this step, the TT practitioner holds his or her hands about 2–3 inches above the patient's body and moves them in long, sweeping strokes from the patient's head downward to the feet. The practitioner may feel a sense of warmth, heaviness, tingling, or similar cues, as they are known in TT. The cues are thought to reveal the location of the energy disturbances or imbalances. In the third step, known as the unruffling process, the practitioner removes the energy disturbances with downward sweeping movements. In the fourth step, the practitioner serves as a channel for the transfer of universal energy to the patient. The fifth step consists of smoothing the patient's energy field and restoring a symmetrical pattern of energy flow. After the treatment, the patient rests for 10–15 minutes.

Tellington touch (Ttouch)Tellington touch, which is also known as Ttouch, is an interesting instance of an alternative therapy that began in veterinary practice and was later extended to humans. Ttouch was developed in England by Linda Tellington-Jones, a graduate of Feldenkrais training. The Feldenkrais method, which is usually considered a bodywork therapy, originated with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904–1984), a scientist and engineer who was also a judo instructor. The Feldenkrais method is based on redirecting the client's habitual patterns of body movement, but it is unusual among bodywork therapies in its emphasis on new patterns of thinking and imagination as byproducts of the body's reeducation. Tellington-Jones, who was employed as a horse trainer, began using Feldenkrais techniques on horses in 1975. In 1983 she developed the pattern of circular touching motions known as Tellington touch.

In the 1980s, Ttouch expanded from treating behavioral problems in horses to treating cats, dogs, and other household pets. In the 1990s, Ttouch was introduced into nursing school curricula for the treatment of humans. It has been used to treat patients suffering from such chronic conditions as pain syndromes,Alzheimer's disease , arthritis, and multiple sclerosis as well as patients recovering from traumatic injuries or stroke . Ttouch is growing in popularity among hospice nurses as an alternative treatment for patients facing death.

In Ttouch, the practitioner touches the client's skin but does not manipulate the underlying muscles or bones. The practitioner imagines the face of a clock on the client's body and places a lightly curved finger at the 6-o'clock position. He or she then pushes the skin clockwise around the face of the clock for one and one-quarter circles, maintaining a constant pressure. The client's body is gently supported with the practitioner's free hand, which is placed opposite the hand making the circle. After each circular touch, the practitioner gently slides the hand down the body and repeats the circle.


Aura therapy is generally designed to bring imbalances in the aura back into physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. The benefits can be subtle (like a general feeling of peace and well-being) or dramatic (like experiencing a spiritual transformation or feelings of ecstasy). Changes may be immediate or can occur over several days. Repeated therapy sessions can maintain and deepen the aura energy balance.

Persons who have received therapeutic touch or Tellington touch from nurses frequently mention "com-fort" or "humanizing of health care" as important benefits.

Therapeutic touch and Tellington touch appear to benefit patients in intensive care units (ICUs), who frequently develop mild psychiatric disturbances from being isolated and from the fact that ICU equipment interferes with normal human sensory perception. It is thought that TT and Ttouch help to break down the patient's feelings of isolation and disconnection from other people.

Description Traditionally, an aura is a protective psychic and spiritual energy field that surrounds the physical body. Energy from an aura is usually not static. It is constantly flowing, flashing, vibrating, expanding, and decreasing. The colors detected usually indicate emotions, such as:

  • lavender and purple for spirituality
  • red/orange for sexual passion
  • white for truth
  • rose or pink for love
  • red for anger
  • yellow for intellect

Precautions- There are no known precautions associated with aura therapy.

Side effects- No negative side effects associated with aura therapy have been reported, although a small minority of patients treated with TT or Ttouch report feeling uncomfortable with being touched by strangers.


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