Bach Flower Therapy

This is a type of Homeopathy developed by Edward Bach, a homeopath and a physician, in the 1930s. He used different flowers and herbs to affect healing in an individual. He believed that the essence of flowers could affect a person’s physical and spiritual well being.
His technique was to use different flower materials (that he determined were most potent) and mix them with Water and brandy. As is the nature of homeopathy, the mixture was continuously diluted until only the essence of the starting flower material was present. He believed that it was this essence that could heal a person.
The remedies can be used alone or in conjunction with others. Practitioners are trained to use and create his flower remedies. They can be used on children and pets as well.

Edward Bach was a physician who specialized in bacteriology at a major London hospital. He succeeded in developing a series of vaccines for ridding the body of certain intestinal bacteria, but was also attracted to homeopathy. He later prepared the bacteria in question as homeopathic remedies and found his patients had even better responses. Not content with using pathogens in homeopathic preparations, Bach sought and studied the flowers that would become the basis of the remedies he is most known for today.

Bach prepared his new remedies by floating flowers on the surface of a bowl of spring water that was left in sunlight for several hours. This has the effect of charging the water with an imprint of the flowers' vibration. The Dr. Edward Bach Healing Centre of England continues to prepare the flower essences using this method.

Traditional descriptions of Bach's 38 remedies, as well as the Rescue Remedy, follow in alphabetical order. We use all these remedies in our practice, and find they improve a number of situations outside the traditional list.

AGRIMONY promotes joy in those who hide their concerns behind the appearance of cheerfulness. It also promotes the ability of confrontation in those who may be over-cooperative in the interest of avoiding an argument.

ASPEN encourages fearlessness, the overcoming of obstacles, and a sense of rebirth for sensitive individuals inclined to apprehension.

BEECH inspires sympathy and tolerance in those who are troubled when other people behave idiosyncratically or don't meet certain standards.

CENTAURY evokes self-determination and self-realization for those who find it difficult to say no, and who neglect personal needs to meet the needs of others.

CERATO encourages a sense of certainty, along with attention to the inner voice, in those who tend to look to the world for their answers and hesitate to judge for themselves.

CHERRY PLUM promotes composure and openness in those who worry about issues of self-control, breakdown, or destructive impulses.

CHESTNUT BUD encourages learning and motivation in those who are challenged by a recurring situation they would like to change.

CHICORY supports selflessness and nurturing qualities in those who need to withdraw from possessiveness, interference and manipulation.

CLEMATIS helps engender creative idealism in those who are inclined to forego living in favor of withdrawing to an ivory tower of their own.

CRAB APPLE provides a sense of order, purity and perfection in those who are frequently dissatisfied, including those who feel their own bodies fall short of perfection or who are compulsive about cleanliness.

ELM supports people in positions of responsibility who find themselves over-extended, overwhelmed, and challenged to cope or make decisions.

GENTIAN offers a sense of faith for those who are easily discouraged and struggling with self-doubt and possibly depression.

GORSE encourages hope in those who have given up waiting for the light at the tunnel's end.

HEATHER promotes the sense that empathy and help are present, and soothes those who are deeply absorbed by their own problems and concerns, and may find it difficult to be alone.

HOLLY embodies the presence of love, and soothes those struggling with envy and jealousy, and those tempted to be spiteful and hard of heart.

HONEYSUCKLE supports the capacity for making and adapting to changes, for people who yearn for their past or wish to live their lives over again.

HORNBEAM promotes vitality and freshness of mind in those who, though capable of completing a task, are mentally weary and feel they aren't up to it.

IMPATIENS encourages patience and gentleness in the busy and hurried individual who prefers not to delegate.

LARCH brings self-confidence to those who feel inferior and have a distorted, self-limiting perspective of their own abilities.

MIMULUS promotes courage and confidence in the face of shyness or personal fears about such things as going to the dentist, escalators, and certain illnesses.

MUSTARD evokes cheerfulness and serenity in those who struggle with sometimes unexpected periods of melancholy and depression.

OAK essence restores a playful element and reduces the sense of effort in those whose strength and never-say-die endurance lead them to meet commitments with unfailing dependability.

OLIVE supports a sense of peace, balance and regeneration in those who have expended so much energy over time that they feel extreme mental and/or physical exhaustion.

PINE assuages the sense of regret in those who carry guilt, judge themselves harshly, blame themselves inappropriately, and are never satisfied they have done enough.

RESCUE REMEDY is the best known and best selling of all the Bach remedies, and we feel it deserves this position, and should always be on hand. It should be used immediately in emergency situations and in any other instance of shock, upset, or trauma, that may cause an individual to feel "beside himself." It is also good when impending events produce anxiety and when working under unrelenting stress. Rescue Remedy combines Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem.

RED CHESTNUT brings a sense of solicitude and love to those so concerned over loved ones that they are unaware of the harm their stress creates for themselves.

ROCK ROSE supports courage and steadfastness in those who struggle with panic, hysteria, and terror. It is also strongly recommended for victims of accidents, sudden illness, or natural disasters.

ROCK WATER evokes adaptability and inner freedom in those who adhere rigidly to their standards of behavior, whether in health, religion, or another area. This remedy may be recommended for those who lead highly ascetic lives, or who feel it is important to be an example for others.

SCLERANTHUS encourages poise and balance in those whose decisions are challenged by vacillation between extreme courses of action or who struggle with mood swings.

STAR OF BETHLEHEM supports awakening and reorientation from any traumatic experience, including those that happened well into the past.

SWEET CHESTNUT is associated with release, and relieves individuals who suffer anguish and despair, or feel they have reached the limits of endurance.

VERVAIN promotes self-discipline and restraint in those who are easily incensed by injustice and tempted to speak and act with extreme zeal.

VINE encourages a measured sense of authority and conviction in those who must guard against a domineering approach, or their tendency to disrespect the individuality of others.

WALNUT supports individuals who have decided to take a great step forward in life, perhaps breaking old conventions, guarding against superfluous outside influence. It is also useful for changes like teething, puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

WATER VIOLET promotes humility and wisdom while discouraging the kind of aloof reserve that may keep a person from a happy exchange of social energies.

WHITE CHESTNUT brings tranquillity and discernment to those who tend to live "in their heads." In contrast with Clematis, which remedies the ivory tower dweller who escapes into his thoughts, White Chestnut serves the individual who would like achieve some distance from recurring concerns, and address them with a clear mind.

WILD OAT supports purposefulness and the journey to find one's vocation in life, particularly in those who want to use their talents and don't want life to pass them by.

WILD ROSE encourages devotion, inner motivation, and the desire to improve things, and treats apathy.

WILLOW supports personal responsibility and constructive thought, and discourages negativity and a tendency to blame others. 


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